Busy farmers in President Ho Chi Minh 's hometown during the lotus season

Thanh Phuc - Hoai Thu 09/05/2024 14:44

(Baonghean.vn) - In May, the lotus flowers stretch out of the water, unfolding their beauty and emitting a fragrant scent. At this time, farmers are busy with the lotus flower harvest season, serving tourists visiting Uncle Ho's hometown and supplying traders within and outside the province…

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Along National Highway 46, passing through Kim Lien commune, Nam Giang commune (Nam Dan), the vast lotus ponds are beginning to emit fragrance and show their colors. Photo: Thanh Phuc
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The two colors, white and pink, create the unique beauty of the lotus ponds. Photo: Hoai Thu
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Currently, there are about 20 varieties of lotus grown in Nam Dan, serving various purposes. These include lotus flowers for decoration, lotus leaves for culinary use, lotus for making tea, lotus seeds, lotus stems, roots… Photo: Thanh Phuc
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Lotus cultivation creates jobs for dozens of local workers. Mrs. Ho Thi Ha (Kim Lien commune) said that they are now entering the lotus flower harvest season, which lasts for about 2 months. Each day, for harvesting lotus flowers, they are paid 250,000 VND/8 hours, with overtime pay of an additional 30,000 VND/hour. Photo: Hoai Thu
The lotus season in Nam Dan coincides with President Ho Chi Minh's birthday. To serve tourists and the market in general, each day, the lotus ponds in Nam Dan supply the market with 6,000 - 7,000 lotus flowers of various types. Photo: Thanh Phuc
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According to Mrs. Ha, lotus flowers must be harvested early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the time when bees and butterflies pollinate. When lotus flowers are pollinated, the petals easily fall off, resulting in inefficient harvest and poor quality. Photo: Hoai Thu
People have to wade through deep mud and waist-deep water to harvest lotus flowers. Photo: Thanh Phuc
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After harvesting, the lotus flowers are immediately sorted and taken to the cooperative. Photo: Thanh Phuc
The most beautiful and freshest flowers are wrapped in lotus leaves, covered with glossy paper, and delivered to customers. Photo: Hoai Thu
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Through the skillful hands of village women and girls, lotus petals are intricately folded into beautiful and charming bouquets. Photo: Thanh Phuc
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Lotus flowers are transported by trucks to traders in Vinh, Cua Lo, Nam Dan… Photo: Hoai Thu
Not only lotus flowers, but also lotus stamens, seeds, and other parts of the lotus plant such as the petals, leaves, and lotus stems can be sold, bringing high income to farmers. Photo: Hoai Thu
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The lotus ponds amidst the villages not only beautify the natural landscape and ecology but also provide a decent income for farmers. This cultivation model not only exploits the strengths of the region, brings income to local people, but also brings sustainable cultural, social and environmental values. Photo: Thanh Phuc
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Busy farmers in President Ho Chi Minh 's hometown during the lotus season