Nghe An News

Chairman of the Nghe An Provincial People's Committee visits and works in China

Pham Bang 27/05/2024 19:16

( - On the afternoon of May 26, the high-level delegation from Nghe An province, led by Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee cum Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung, commenced their visit and work trip to China.

The delegation worked with the Consulate General of Vietnam in Guangzhou and visited the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Headquarters Relic, offering flowers and incense in commemoration of martyr Pham Hong Thai.

The delegation included Mr. Nguyen Nam Dinh - Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Dang Thanh Tung - Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Chief of the Office of the Provincial People's Committee; Mr. Le Tien Tri - Member of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Southeast Economic Zone Management Board; Mr. Pham Van Hoa - Director of the Department of Industry and Trade; Mr. Le Quoc Khanh - Permanent Deputy Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Organization Commission; Mr. Tran Khanh Thuc - Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs; and Mr. Nguyen Van Truong - Deputy Director of the Department of Planning and Investment.

Mr. Vu Viet Anh - Consul General of Vietnam in Guangzhou, along with other consulate staff welcomed and worked with the delegation.

Chairman of the Nghe An Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Duc Trung meets, greets and works with the Consulate General of Vietnam in Guangzhou. Photo: Pham Bang

In Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province (China), Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung - Chairman of the Nghe An Provincial People's Committee met and worked with the Consulate General of Vietnam in Guangzhou.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung expressed his pleasure to meet and work with the Consulate General and sincerely thanked the Consul General and his associates for their time and support in connecting and arranging the delegation's schedule in Guangdong province.

Chairman of Nghe An Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Duc Trung thanks the Vietnamese Consulate General for the welcome, support and connection to the delegation. Photo: Pham Bang

Chairman of the Nghe An Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Duc Trung provided an overview of the delegation's visit and work agenda in China, which was part of the province's external activities approved by the Prime Minister. The trip aims to continue promoting investment attraction from investors who are considering or planning to invest in Nghe An.

He highlighted the province's socio-economic situation, noting that foreign investment attraction has been a bright spot. Due to thorough preparation in infrastructure, human resources, policies, and procedures, Nghe An has developed significantly in the past two years, consistently ranking among the top 10 provinces attracting the most FDI in the country.

Mr. Nguyen Nam Dinh - Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Council and leaders of departments, commissions and sectors attend the meeting. Photo: Pham Bang

Up to now, the province has had 137 valid FDI projects from 14 countries, with a total investment of over 4.2 billion USD. Specifically, Nghe An has attracted 44 projects from Chinese partners, with a total registered investment of over 2.33 billion USD. The province has developed an ecosystem of Chinese investors in electronics manufacturing, such as Foxconn, Goertek, Everwin, and Ju Teng, etc.

These projects primarily focus on producing electronic components, solar batteries, optical lenses for major corporations, packaging and plastic products, garments, and food processing.

Leaders of departments, commissions and sectors attend the meeting. Photo: Pham Bang

Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung emphasized that the province has prepared favorable conditions regarding industrial park planning, land, and transportation infrastructure. Additionally, the Politburo issued Resolution No. 39, and the upcoming 7th session of the National Assembly is expected to pass a resolution on piloting additional specific mechanisms and policies for the province.

Therefore, he hoped that the Consulate General of Vietnam in Guangzhou would pay attention, support and serve as a bridge between Nghe An and Chinese partners in enhancing investment attraction and trade promotion activities in the future.

Welcoming the high-level delegation from Nghe An to Guangdong, Consul General Vu Viet Anh emphasized that if China is the "factory of the world", Guangdong province is the "factory of China".

Mr. Vu Viet Anh - Consulate General of Vietnam in Guangzhou (China) speaks at the meeting. Photo: Pham Bang

To promote Vietnam's industrialization and modernization, cooperation with Guangdong is highly effective and crucial. Currently, Guangdong's GDP is approximately 1.9 trillion USD, accounting for 13% of China's GDP, and it has maintained the highest growth rate in China for over 40 years.

Consul General Vu Viet Anh noted that Vietnam and China are close neighbors with many similarities in culture, society and politics. The relationship between Vietnam and China has developed in many fields recently.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Duc Trung presents a souvenir to the Vietnamese Consulate General in Guangzhou. Photo: Pham Bang

Vietnam considers China a top priority in its foreign policy, and China views Vietnam as a crucial priority in its neighborhood diplomacy. Based on the conditions of each country, cooperation between Vietnam and China in general, between provinces and cities in particular, is necessary and beneficial for both sides.

He also shared some issues regarding investment attraction in Guangdong province and wished Nghe An province and the delegation great success, contributing to building a stronger, wealthier and more civilized Vietnam.

The high-level delegation from Nghe An visits the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Headquarters Relic at No.13 (now 248 - 250) Wen Ming Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong province. Photo: Pham Bang

Subsequently, the high-level delegation from Nghe An visited the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Headquarters Relic at No.13 (now 248 - 250) Wen Ming Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong province. This site is associated with the revolutionary activities of President Ho Chi Minh from 1924 to 1927.

House number 13 was the headquarters of the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association, the precursor to the Communist Party of Vietnam, founded by Nguyen Ai Quoc. It was also where the Thanh Nien newspaper, the official organ of the association, was published. Nguyen Ai Quoc conducted three political training courses here, training 75 revolutionary cadres. He directly oversaw and was the main lecturer.

The delegation visits the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Headquarters on Wen Ming Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong province. Photo: Pham Bang

In 1971, the People's Republic of China decided to preserve house number 13 Wen Ming Street as a memorial site for President Ho Chi Minh, naming it the "Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Headquarters". The relic, managed by the Guangdong Revolutionary History Museum, has been classified as a national historical and cultural site in China.

In 2002, Guangzhou city authorities invested in a comprehensive renovation of the site, reopening it on April 30, 2002, to mark the 112th birthday of President Ho Chi Minh.

For many years, the Guangdong Revolutionary History Museum and the Guangzhou Cultural Bureau have preserved and promoted the site's historical value. The Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association Headquarters Relic includes classrooms, Ho Chi Minh's room, student quarters, a kitchen, and an exhibition area displaying materials from his activities in Guangzhou from 1924 to 1927.

This site is associated with the revolutionary activities of President Ho Chi Minh from 1924 to 1927. Photo: Pham Bang

The site is a significant landmark for Vietnamese visitors to Guangzhou, vividly demonstrating Nguyen Ai Quoc's active years in China and symbolizing the friendship between the two Parties, States, and peoples of Vietnam and China.

The Nghe An delegation also visited the Huanghuagang Martyrs' Cemetery in Guangzhou to lay a wreath and offer incense in memory of martyr Pham Hong Thai on the 100th anniversary of his death.

The Nghe An delegation also visits the Huanghuagang Martyrs' Cemetery in Guangzhou to lay a wreath and offer incense in memory of martyr Pham Hong Thai. Photo: Pham Bang

At the cemetery, Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung and the delegation observed a moment of silence to honor martyr Pham Hong Thai, expressing deep gratitude for his heroic sacrifice for the Party and the nation's revolutionary cause, vowing to uphold the tradition of unity, revolution, self -reliance and resilience, and to develop Nghe An province sustainably and rapidly.

Martyr Pham Hong Thai (born in 1895, in Hung Nhan commune, now Chau Nhan commune, Hung Nguyen district, Nghe An province) was a patriotic Vietnamese who died in Guangzhou on June 19, 1924. He and the Tam Tam Society (the precursor to the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association) attempted to assassinate the notorious Governor-General of Indochina, Martial Merlin, during his visit to Guangzhou. The assassination failed, and Merlin was only injured. Pursued by the enemy, Pham Hong Thai drowned himself in the Pearl (Zhu Jiang) River. This event resonated greatly in China and around the world, becoming known as the "Shamian Bomb”.

The grave is marked with "Martyr Pham Hong Thai's Grave" in both Vietnamese and Chinese. This site has become a significant memorial for Vietnamese visitors to Guangzhou. Photo: Pham Bang

After retrieving his body, the Guangzhou authorities requested to bury him. In 1925, the Nationalist Government of China relocated his remains to the current Huanghuagang Martyrs' Cemetery.

In front of his tomb is a large stele inscribed in Chinese, summarizing his heroic actions. His grave is marked with "Martyr Pham Hong Thai's Grave" in both Vietnamese and Chinese. This site has become a significant memorial for Vietnamese visitors to Guangzhou.

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Chairman of the Nghe An Provincial People's Committee visits and works in China