Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Hoang Nghia Hieu and his delegation visit and work in Gifu Prefecture, Japan

Vo Minh The 13/11/2023 22:34

( - From November 7 to 11, a delegation from Nghe An province, led by Mr. Hoang Nghia Hieu - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, visited and worked in Japan.

This visit is part of a series of activities by Nghe An province to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Japan.

In the working program, the delegation worked with Gifu Prefecture.

On November 7, the delegation visited and worked with the Agricultural Technology Center of Gifu Prefecture, learning about its advanced agricultural technologies in areas such as pest control, productivity improvement, and the application of labor-saving techniques for farmers. They also toured farming models at the center.

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Mr. Hoang Nghia Hieu and the delegation from Nghe An province visit the Agricultural Technology Center of Gifu Prefecture. Photo: Vo Minh The
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The working session at the Agricultural Technology Center of Gifu Prefecture. Photo: Vo Minh The

Then, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Hoang Nghia Hieu and the delegation members visited and worked with Yabashi Company, the largest Japanese-invested enterprise in Nghe An province.

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Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Hoang Nghia Hieu and the delegation members visit and work with Yabashi Company, the largest Japanese-invested enterprise in Nghe An province. Photo: Vo Minh The

Mr. Hoang Nghia Hieu provided information to Yabashi Company's leadership about the socio-economic situation of Nghe An province in 2022 and the first 9 months of 2023, as well as the cooperation between Nghe An province and Japanese partners.

bna-Phó Bí thư Tỉnh uỷ Hoàng Nghĩa Hiếu cùng các thành viên trong đoàn đã đến thăm và làm việc với Công ty Yabashi ..jpg
Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Hoang Nghia Hieu and the delegation members visit and work with Yabashi Company. Photo: Vo Minh The

He expressed the desire for Yabashi Company to continue supporting and assisting Nghe An province in attracting investment and enhancing connections with Japanese businesses. He suggested that the company become a bridge between the two localities, promoting exchange activities and cooperation in trade, especially in areas where Japan excels, such as high-tech agriculture, information technology, mining, manufacturing, and assembly.

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The Nghe An provincial delegation had a courtesy meeting with the Governor of Gifu Prefecture, Mr. Furuta Hajime. Photo: Vo Minh The

On the morning of November 8, the Nghe An provincial delegation had a courtesy meeting with the Governor of Gifu Prefecture, Mr. Furuta Hajime. During the working session, Governor Furuta Hajime expressed joy in welcoming the delegation from Nghe An. He emphasized the friendly relationship between the two localities, which has been established since 2015 and is expected to continue in the future. Governor Furuta Hajime also acknowledged the development of Nghe An province in recent years and praised the industrious and resilient spirit of the people of Nghe An.

In the same working session, Mr. Hoang Nghia Hieu provided information about the development of Nghe An province, its potential, and the noteworthy cooperation between the two localities.

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The delegation has a meeting with the Gifu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI). Photo: Vo Minh The

On the same day, the delegation had a meeting with the Gifu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI). With the goal of developing the regional economy, GCCI is the first chamber of commerce and industry established in Gifu in 1890. According to JETRO's statistics, Vietnam is the second Southeast Asian country after Singapore to receive interest and investment from Japan. It is hoped that Nghe An province will be a destination for Japanese businesses in general and Gifu Prefecture in particular.

Mr. Hoang Nghia Hieu delivered a speech introducing the potential and advantages of Nghe An, the socio-economic situation of the province, and the results of attracting investment in 2022 and the first 9 months of 2023. This provided the partners with a clearer view of the province.

He extended an invitation to Gifu businesses to visit and invest in Nghe An province, assuring that Nghe An is ready to create the best conditions for welcoming investors.

During the meeting, Gifu businesses were shown a video introducing industrial parks, investment attraction policies, and incentives for investors when coming to Nghe An province.

In the same afternoon, the Nghe An provincial delegation had a meeting with the Gifu-Vietnam Friendship Association.

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Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Hoang Nghia Hieu and his delegation visit and work in Gifu Prefecture, Japan