Nghe An province will build a martyrs’ memorial shrine on Dung Quyet Mountain

Thanh Duy 10/07/2023 10:56

( - The construction of the provincial martyrs’ memorial shrine demonstrates the gratitude and moral principles of remembering one's roots, and pays tribute to the heroes and martyrs who sacrificed for the cause of national liberation, and fulfilling noble international obligations.

The perspective of Nghe An Provincial Martyrs' Memorial Shrine. Photo: Thanh Le

The project has been approved by the 18th provincial People's Council in its 14th session, with the public investment orientation for the first phase including the martyrs’ memorial shrine, gate, ceremonial hall, reception house, ground, crescent-shaped lake, technical infrastructure system, etc.

The project will be constructed in Trung Do Ward, Vinh City, on the southeastern side of Dung Quyet Mountain in the "War Memorial Mini Park" planning area. The total investment for the first phase is VND 88.323 billion, including VND 40 billion from the additional provincial budget, VND 43.758 billion from the targeted supplementing central budget, and VND 4.565 billion from the land clearance fund.

Nghe An has over 45,000 courageous individuals who sacrificed their lives and have been recognized as martyrs. However, currently, there are only 18,433 Nghe An martyrs' graves, including 9,799 ones with information buried in martyrs' cemeteries within the province and 8,634 ones buried in other localities.

Many martyrs do not have alive relatives, and the majority of their surviving relatives are elderly, facing difficulties in visiting and commemorating the martyrs at the cemeteries.

Throughout the province, there are 116 constructions honoring martyrs, including one provincial-level martyrs' cemetery managed by the province, 21 district-level martyrs' cemeteries and memorials, and 94 commune-level martyrs' cemeteries, memorials, and steles.

Currently, Nghe An province does not have a memorial site specifically dedicated to martyrs, serving as a collective place to commemorate the martyrs from Nghe An and other localities who sacrificed for the cause of national liberation, protecting the homeland, and fulfilling noble international obligations.

The construction of the Nghe An provincial martyrs’ memorial shrine reflects the gratitude and moral principles of remembering one's roots, and provides a place for Party and State leaders, martyrs’ families, their comrades, domestic and international delegations to visit and pay their tribute. It is also an educational address for present and future generations, commemorating the sacrifices of martyrs for the cause of national liberation, protecting the homeland, and fulfilling noble international obligations.

Based on surveys and public opinions collected by the Provincial Party Committee's Publicity and Education Commission and the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the majority of the people strongly support the implementation of the Nghe An provincial martyrs’ memorial shrine project. Currently, there are 13 provinces in the country that have built martyrs’memorial shrines, and these projects have effectively promoted revolutionary heroism education for present and future generations.

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Nghe An province will build a martyrs’ memorial shrine on Dung Quyet Mountain