Nghe An News

Nghe An provincial delegation works and exchanges with leaders of the Communist Party of Britain

Quang Dang (From London, United Kingdom) 16/06/2024 16:15

With the approval of the Party Secretariat, on the afternoon of June 12 (local time), in London, the Nghe An Provincial Delegation, led by Mr. Thai Thanh Quy - Member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, and Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, held a working session with the leaders of the Communist Party of Britain.

Working with the delegation, the leaders of the Communist Party of Britain included Ms. Ruth Styles - Party Chair; Mr. Kevan Nelson - Head of International Relations; and young party member Kyril Whittaker.
Attending the working session were: Mr. Le Duc Cuong - Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Organizational Commission; Major General Bui Quang Thanh - Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Provincial Police; Mr. Nguyen Nhu Khoi - Member of the Provincial Party Committee's Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Mr. Bui Dinh Long - Member of the Provincial Party Committee's Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Directors of the Departments: Planning and Investment, Finance, Transportation, Agriculture and Rural Development, Foreign Affairs.
Also attending were Chargé d'Affaires of the Vietnamese Embassy in the United Kingdom To Minh Thu and embassy staff.

Quang cảnh cuộc làm việc. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Overview of the working session. Photo: Quang Dang

At the working session, Ms. Ruth Styles, Chair of the Communist Party of Britain, and other delegates expressed their pleasure in welcoming the high-level delegation from Nghe An Province, the homeland of President Ho Chi Minh, to visit and work in the United Kingdom.

The leaders of the Communist Party of Britain expressed their special affection for President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese people, admiring the national liberation and reunification efforts in the past as well as the current development endeavors.

Đồng chí Thái Thanh Quý - Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng, Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Nghệ An phát biểu tại cuộc làm việc. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Mr. Thai Thanh Quy - Member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, speaks at the working session. Photo: Quang Dang

On behalf of the delegation, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee Thai Thanh Quy expressed his pleasure in meeting and exchanging views with Ruth Styles, Chair of the Party, and the leaders of the Communist Party of Britain. He also introduced the 94-year history of the Communist Party of Vietnam, its organizational model, leadership role, and methods.

Các đồng chí lãnh đạo Đảng Cộng sản Anh trao đổi tại cuộc làm việc. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
The leaders of the Communist Party of Britain exchange views at the working session. Photo: Quang Dang

During the working session, the leaders of the Communist Party of Britain provided information on the party's history and development from 1920 to the present, its role, organizational model, and activities within the political life of the United Kingdom. They also expressed a desire to exchange and learn more about the experiences of the Youth Union, Women's Union, and Trade Union organizations.

Các đại biểu đoàn lãnh đạo cấp cao tỉnh Nghệ An tại cuộc làm việc. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Delegates from the high-level leadership of Nghe An Province at the working session. Photo: Quang Dang

Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee Thai Thanh Quy congratulated the achievements of the Communist Party of Britain and expressed his joy that the relationship between the two parties continues to be maintained and developed well.

He expressed confidence that the friendship and cooperation between the two parties in general and between the Communist Party of Britain and the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee in particular will grow, contributing to the deeper development of relations between the two countries and between Nghe An Province and its partners in the United Kingdom.

Đồng chí Thái Thanh Quý - Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng, Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Nghệ An tặng quà lưu niệm đến đồng chí Ruth Styles - Chủ tịch Đảng Cộng sản Anh. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Mr. Thai Thanh Quy - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee, presents a souvenir to Ms. Ruth Styles - Chair of the Communist Party of Britain. Photo: Quang Dang

Mr. Thai Thanh Quy sincerely thanked the Communist Party of Britain for their great support for the Communist Party of Vietnam, the country of Vietnam, including the Party Committee and people of Nghe An Province, during the struggle for independence, national reunification, and the current cause of renewal, construction, and development.

Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Nghệ An Thái Thanh Quý trao đổi cùng đồng chí Kyril Whittaker - Thạc sĩ về Khoa học chính trị, Đại học Manchester (Anh). Năm 2021, đồng chí Kyril Whittaker tham gia công tác dịch tiếng Anh cho tuyển tập Hồ Chí Minh và hiện viết bài cho Tạp chí Cộng sản (Communist Review) và Tạp chí Quốc tế (International Magazine) của Anh về các chủ đề liên quan đến lý luận chính trị Việt Nam, khía cạnh chính trị về Covid-19 và giải phóng phụ nữ. Đồng chí Kyril Whittaker đã 2 lần đoạt giải Giải th
Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee Thai Thanh Quy exchanges with Mr. Kyril Whittaker - Master of Political Science, University of Manchester (UK). In 2021, Mr. Kyril Whittaker participated in translating the Books about President Ho Chi Minh into English and currently writes for the Communist Review and the International Magazine of the UK on topics related to Vietnamese political theory, political aspects of Covid-19, and women's liberation. Mr. Kyril Whittaker has won the National Award for External Information twice. Photo: Quang Dang

On this occasion, through Ms. Ruth Styles, Chair of the Communist Party of Britain, Mr. Thai Thanh Quy sent warm greetings to General Secretary Robert Griffiths and respectfully invited the leaders of the Communist Party of Britain to visit and work in Nghe An Province.

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Nghe An provincial delegation works and exchanges with leaders of the Communist Party of Britain