Nghe An’s leaders meet and honor outstanding businesses and entrepreneurs in 2023

Thanh Duy 14/10/2023 06:48

( - On the afternoon of October 12, in Vinh City, Nghe An Province organized a program to meet and honor outstanding businesses and entrepreneurs in 2023 on the occasion of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs' Day (October 13).

An overall view of the event. Photo: Thanh Duy

With the motto "Party Committee and authority accompanying businesses," in 2023, Nghe An continues to vigorously implement a comprehensive range of measures to improve the investment and business environment, with a focus on promoting the application of information technology, digital transformation, and reducing the time to process administrative procedures.

The province's business sector has seen rapid development both in terms of quantity and quality. Its structure, scale, and areas of operation have undergone appropriate changes in line with the economic restructuring. The efficiency and competitiveness of businesses have been elevated.

Up to now, the number of registered businesses in the province is over 29,000 with a total registered capital of nearly VND 194 trillion, averaging VND 6.7 billion per business.

According to the White Book of Vietnamese Businesses by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Nghe An ranks 9th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide in terms of the number of businesses.

These businesses have made significant contributions to the province's economic and social growth, providing employment for 310,000 workers with an average monthly income of around VND 6.5 million, contributing nearly 70% to the total state budget revenue.

Businesses and entrepreneurs have actively responded and launched meaningful social security activities, especially in mobilizing, support for building and repairing houses for the poor and those in need of housing from 2023 to 2025, as well as the Tet for the Poor Program.

With the collective efforts of the business community, the socio-economic situation in the province has maintained a relatively high growth rate in the first nine months of the year. The estimated Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) growth rate is 6.27%, and the state budget revenue is nearly VND 12 trillion.

The attraction of investment continues to be a bright spot. As of October 10, 2023, there are 98 newly approved projects and 129 adjusted ones, with a total new and additional capital of nearly VND 44 trillion. The province has risen to 6th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) with a total newly registered and adjusted capital of nearly USD 1.3 billion.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee cum Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee delivers his speech. Photo: Thanh Duy

Speaking at the program, on behalf of the provincial leadership, Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee cum Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, sent warm greetings, sincere thanks and best wishes to the businesses and entrepreneurs on the 19th anniversary of Vietnamese Entrepreneurs' Day (October 13, 2004 - October 13, 2023).

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also acknowledged, praised and sincerely thanked the contributions of businesses and entrepreneurs in the province over the past time.

bna_Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Thái Thanh Quý và Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Nguyễn Đức Trung tặng hoa chúc mừng lãnh đạo Hiệp hội doanh nghiệp, Hội Doanh nghiệp, doanh nhân.JPG
The leaders of Nghe An province present flowers to congratulate outstanding eutrepreneurs on this special occasion. Photo: Thanh Duy

With the province's viewpoint of "Businesses develop, Nghe An develops; Businesses succeed, Nghe An succeeds," the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee hopes that in the coming time, businesses and entrepreneurs in the province will continue to promote their positive aspects and achievements, overcome difficulties to first and foremost contribute to the development of each business, thereby contributing even more to the province.

The head of the Provincial People's Committee also hopes that businesses and entrepreneurs will inspire the national spirit and the desire for development in accordance with Resolution No. 41 on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new period issued by the Politburo on October 10, 2023. They will continue to accompany the province in developing Nghe An to become a prosperous province of the country according to Resolution No. 39 dated July 18, 2023, issued by the Politburo on building and developing Nghe An Province until 2030, with a vision towards 2045.

bna_ Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Thái Thanh Quý và Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh Nguyễn Đức Trung tặng Bằng khen cho cho các doanh nhân tiêu biểu năm 2023.JPG
Outstanding entrepreneurs are awarded with Certificates of Merit for their achievement and contribution in 2023. Photo: Thanh Duy

On this occasion, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 25 outstanding businesses and 5 outstanding entrepreneurs for their excellent achievements in production, business activities, contributing significantly to economic growth, and making significant contributions to the province's social welfare activities in 2023.

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Nghe An’s leaders meet and honor outstanding businesses and entrepreneurs in 2023