Peanut candy made in the Do Luong’s 300-year-old craft village

Thanh Phuc - Hoai Thu 14/08/2023 12:12

( - The craft of making peanut candy in Do Luong has a history of 300 years. Nowadays, the villagers have introduced machinery into many stages of candy production, creating a large quantity of products with attractive designs, available on the shelves of various major supermarkets.

Mr. Nguyen Van Cong, the head of the cooperative for making sesame rice crackers and peanut candy in Vinh Duc village (Do Luong town) said: "Our cooperative consists of 7 households producing sesame rice crackers and peanut candy. This is a traditional craft passed down by our ancestors, with a history of over 300 years. We are now the fifth generation in this profession. In the past, manual production resulted in limited output, only enough to sell in local markets within the district. After being recognized as a craft village, especially after our sesame rice crackers and peanut candy products received a 3-star OCOP (One Commune One Product) rating, the consumer market opened up widely”.
Currently, many stages of candy production are automated with machines: peanut roasting, sugar cooking to create candy, candy cutting, packaging... And the variety of peanut candy products has also expanded, including sugarcane syrup peanut candy bars, sugared peanut candy, chewy peanut candy, crispy peanut candy, and various other flavors to cater to the preferences of consumers.
Although machinery and technology have been integrated into the production process, the artisans in Vinh Duc village have preserved the traditional and delectable flavor through their distinct ancestral techniques. The careful selection of ingredients plays a vital role. In the photo: Peanuts being processed.
Even with the assistance of machines, the process of boiling sugar and syrup requires careful monitoring and testing of adhesion consistency based on the craftsmen's experience to ensure the candy batches are not too soft or watery, nor too "overheated" resulting in hardness and bitterness, losing their flavor.
Once taken out of the stove, the candy maker quickly adds the peanuts and stirs evenly with force.
During the candy arrangement process, from 2 to 3 people are needed to work quickly while the candy is still hot, ensuring proper adhesion and uniform thickness.
The candy is then cut into small, bite-sized bars and packaged.
A successful batch of candy displays a shiny golden color, a chewy and flexible texture, crunchy peanut grains, a fragrant aroma, and a rich taste.
In addition to traditional distribution channels, many production facilities have connected with modern retail systems, becoming distributors for major supermarkets, generating annual revenues of VND 2.7 - 3 billion and providing employment opportunities for dozens of workers in the region.
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Peanut candy made in the Do Luong’s 300-year-old craft village