PM approves the Master Plan of Nghe An province for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision towards 2050

Thanh Duy 15/09/2023 17:15

( - Acting on behalf of the Prime Minister, on September 14, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha signed and issued Decision No. 1059/QD-TTg approving the Master Plan of Nghe An province for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision towards 2050.

It takes effect from the date of issuance.

The position of Nghe An province in the North Central region. Photo: Thanh Duy

The plan outlines 5 development perspectives. In addition, it mentions the general objectives by 2030as follows:

To build Nghe An into a fairly developed province nationwide, with rapid and sustainable economic growth, imbued with Vietnamese and Nghe An’s cultural identity; to be the center of the North Central region in terms of trade, healthcare, education and training, science and technology, high-tech industry and agriculture; to have a comprehensive, gradually modern, climate-resilient infrastructure system; to elevate the material and spiritual lives of the people; to preserve and promote cultural and historical values; to protect and conserve the ecological environment and biodiversity; and to ensure strong national defense and security.

bna_Một góc thành phố Vinh, Nghệ An. Ảnh Thành Duy copy.JPG
A corner of Vinh city, Nghe An Province. Photo: Thanh Duy

The vision towards 2050:

Nghe An becomes a comprehensively developed, civilized and modern province nationwide, deeply imbued with Vietnamese and Nghe An’s cultural identity; to be a vital driver of development in the North Central region; the material and spiritual lives of the people reach a high level; to preserve and promote cultural, historical and traditional values, as well as the natural ecosystem; and to ensure robust national defense and security.

Nghe An’s development breakthroughs according to the plan:

Developing 2 growth-driven areas, including the expanded Vinh city and the expanded Southeast Economic Zone of Nghe An.

Implementing 3 strategic breakthroughs:

Completing a synchronized system of institutions and policies; significantly improving the investment and business environment with high competitiveness tied to administrative reform. Strengthening decentralization, empowerment, and enhancing the proactivity, creativity and responsibility of all levels and sectors.

Focusing on investment to achieve breakthroughs in terms of building a comprehensive, modern infrastructure that meets development requirements; in particular, vigorously developing strategic transportation infrastructure to facilitate connectivity and spread development.

Comprehensive development of human resources, science, technology, innovation associated with the promotion of the values of the culture and people of Nghe An. Prioritizing education and training, and attracting high-quality human resources.

Formation and development of 4 economic corridors:

The coastal economic corridor linked to National Highway 1, the North-South highway to the East, coastal roads, the national railway and sea routes; The Ho Chi Minh road economic corridor; The National Highway 7A economic corridor; The National Highway 48A economic corridor; with a focus on developing the coastal economic corridor.

Development of 5 pillar industries and sectors:

Industrial development, with a focus on processing and manufacturing industries; supporting industries; Developing trade and services, especially high-quality education and training services, high-quality healthcare; Developing tourism based on three main types including cultural-historical tourism, resort tourism, and sea sports and adventure tourism integrated with the community; Developing agriculture with the application of high technology; Developing the marine economy while ensuring national defense and security.

Focusing on investment in 6 urban centers:

The expanded Vinh city, Hoàng Mai urban area (linked to Quynh Luu), Thai Hoa urban area (linked to Nghia Dan), Dien Chau urban area, Do Luong urban area, Con Cuong urban area.

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PM approves the Master Plan of Nghe An province for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision towards 2050