Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and 15 ambassadors visit WHA and VSIP Nghe An industrial parks

My Nga 20/02/2023 16:37

( - This visit aims to connect, attract investment and promote the full potential of Nghe An in the coming time.

WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An has been built according to the model of a green industrial park, applying biotechnology in wastewater treatment.

On February 20, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Quang Hieu led a delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 15 ambassadors and officials from its departments and agencies to visit WHA Industrial Zone 1 Nghe An and VSIP Nghe An industrial parks. Mr. Tran Khanh Thuc - Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs accompanied the delegates.

At WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An industrial park, the delegation was given a brief introduction by the WHA Leadership Board about the industrial park. It’s an integrated, modern, synchronous industrial park, which is built and managed to meet the requirements of a sustainable environment. Its focus is put on the development of various industries: electronics, agro-forestry-fishery processing, wine, beer and beverage, construction material production, mineral processing, machine assembly, textiles, plastics, consumer goods, stationery, etc., and it limits those industries that are likely to cause environmental pollution.

WHA is considered as the largest FDI project of Nghe An province. Currently, its occupancy rate in phase 1 has been 78%.

VSIP Nghe An's General Director introduces about the industrial park. Photo: Mỹ Nga

At VSIP industrial park, its leaders gave an overview of the investment attraction. Currently, there are 38 investors, 39 projects with a total area of ​​229.49 hectares. The occupancy rate, i.e. the number of investors in the industrial park accounts for 87%. In which, there are 19 FDI investors from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Singapore, Korea and Sweden. 34 projects have been granted investment certificates. Their total investment capital reaches USD 743.6 million, of which, USD 681 million is FDI capital.

VSIP has registered to invest with a total capital of USD 930.5 million. The total number of its employees is expected to be 40,000 - 45,000. It currently employs 14,000 local workers. In 2022, VSIP's export value reached VND 9,128 billion.

Last year, Nghe An has for the first time entered the Top 10 localities attracting the largest FDI nationwide. This achievement was greatly contributed by WHA Industrial Zone 1 Nghe An and VSIP industrial parks.

At the meeting, the managers of the industrial parks made the assessment that Nghe An has a lot of potentials for development, including its geographical location, traffic hubs, logistics services... This locality is capable of meeting the strategic development stages of industrial parks. In particular, WHA and VSIP have received great support and companionship from Nghe An’s government and people.

The delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed their impression at the speed of development and long-term strategic orientation of the industrial parks, bringing great socio-economic values to Nghe An province in particular and the whole country in general.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Quang Hieu gives a speech at the meeting at WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An industrial park. Photo: My Nga

Deputy Minister Pham Quang Hieu affirmed that 15 ambassadors in the delegation will be “bridges” to bring the image of industrial parks in particular and Nghe An in general to other countries. The purpose of diplomacy is to connect, attract investment and fill industrial parks, in order to promote the full potential of Nghe An in the coming time.

My Nga