Secretary of the Nghe An’s Provincial Party Committee visits and works in Lao PDR’s Bolikhamsai

Thanh Duy 19/07/2023 17:12

( - On the afternoon of July 12, as part of the working program in Lao PDR, the high-level leadership delegation of Nghe An Province paid a courtesy visit to the leaders of Bolikhamsai Province.

Mr. Kongkeo Xaysongkham - Member of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, Secretary, Governor of Bolikhamxai province, welcomed Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An Thai Thanh Quy, and the delegation on their visit. Photo: Thanh Duy

Mr. Thai Thanh Quy, Member of the Vietnam’s Party Central Committee's Executive Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, and Head of the Provincial Delegation to the National Assembly, served as the head of the delegation.

Bolikhamsai Province is located in the central region of Laos, with an area of ​​15,977.7 square kilometers and a border length of 177.9 kilometers, adjacent to the districts of Thanh Chuong, Anh Son, and Con Cuong of Nghe An Province.

The leaders of Bolikhamxai province welcomed the high-level delegation from Nghe An province. Photo: Thanh Duy

Delighted to visit Bolikhamsai Province, on behalf of the Party, the government, and the people of Nghe An Province, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Thai Thanh Quy expressed deep appreciation for the warm welcome and cordial reception and conveyed the best wishes to the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, Authority, and Lao Front for National Construction, as well as to all the people of the Lao ethnic groups in Bolikhamsai Province.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An emphasized that based on the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos, the two provinces have implemented many effective cooperative activities in all fields, especially since the signing of the Cooperation Agreement.

Accordingly, the two provinces have effectively implemented border management and protection, maintained border peace, friendship, cooperation, and development between the two countries. Both sides have strengthened the effective role and relationship between the twinned villages and the twinned border posts, thereby contributing to consolidating the special friendship and solidarity between the people, border guard forces of the two sides, and jointly building a peaceful, friendly, cooperative and developed Vietnam-Laos border. In particular, along with the provincial level, the districts of the two provinces with shared borders frequently visit, exchange, and contribute to ensuring stability and mutual development in the border area.

The two provinces actively implemented the project "Agreement between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Government of the Lao People's Democratic Republic on the settlement of issues regarding free migration and unregistered marriage between the two countries' border areas." Nghe An Province continues to maintain and enhance support for training human resources for Bolikhamsai Province. In the 2022-2023 school year, Nghe An Province granted scholarships for training a total of 38 officials and students from Bolikhamsai Province.

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An presents a picture to the leaders of Bolikhamxai province. Photo: Thanh Duy

In addition, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee expressed sincere appreciation for the close bond between the two provinces, their timely sharing and encouragement, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. He also highly aprreciated the Bolikhamsai Provincial Party Committee and Authority for creating favorable conditions for Vietnamese people, including those from Nghe An, to live and work in the province. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An expressed his desire that the two provinces will continue to support and expand cooperation for mutual development.

In particular, the head of the Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An proposed that the leaders of the two provinces regularly express their opinions to the Governments of the two countries to promptly implement the project of constructing the Vientiane-Pakxane (Bolikhamsai)-Thanh Thuy Border Gate (Nghe An)-Hanoi expressway. When invested, completed, and put into use, both Nghe An and Bolikhamsai will have favorable conditions for rapid economic development. This project not only has significance in terms of economics and transportation but also symbolizes the relationship between Vietnam and Laos, connecting the two capitals with a road. Mr. Thai Thanh Quy also hoped that The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and the high-level leadership of Bolikhamsai Province pay special attention to this project.

Mr. Thai Thanh Quy hands over a gift of VND 500 million to Bolikhamxai province for purchasing office equipment. Photo: Thanh Duy

Mr. Kongkeo Xaysongkham, member of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and Secretary - Governor of Bolikhamxai province, expressed his delight in welcoming Mr. Thai Thanh Quy and the high-level delegation of Nghe An Province. This is the beginning of a new era of cooperation between the two provinces. He also congratulated Nghe An on its impressive achievements in socio-economic development in recent years.

He deeply thanked the leaders of Nghe An Province for their support and precious assistance to Bolikhamsai Province during the past time. Secretary and Governor of Bolikhamsai Province believed that there is still great potential for cooperation between the two localities, and he hopes that the cooperative relationship between the two provinces will continue to develop to new heights, contributing to the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

Mr. Kongkeo Xaysongkham presents a souvenir gift to Nghe An province. Photo: Thanh Duy

Regarding the Vientiane-Pakxane (Bolikhamsai)-Thanh Thuy Border Gate (Nghe An)-Hanoi expressway project, Mr. Kongkeo Xaysongkham affirmed that this is an important project. The Government and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Laos have appraised it and are attracting foreign investment to fund the project. At the same time, Laotian enterprises also desire to invest in the project through the BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) form. Bolikhamsai Province also stated that it is currently striving to complete the provincial road connecting to the Nam On-Thanh Thuy border gate as soon as possible.

Thanh Duy