Nghe An attends the "1st Meet Thailand" conference

Thanh Huyen (Nghe An’s Department of Foreign Affairs) 04/08/2023 17:21

( - On August 4, in Dong Ha city, Quang Tri province, the "1st Meet Thailand" conference was held.

A discussion on the sideline of the event. Photo: Thanh Huyen

It was attended by Mr. Nikorndej Balankura - the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Thailand to Vietnam. On the Vietnamese side, there were representatives from the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and 14 provinces and cities in the North and Central regions.

The "1st Meet Thailand" conference took place on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of upgrading the Vietnam - Thailand relationship to a Strategic Partnership.

In recent years, the cooperation between the two countries has achieved significant results, with economic development cooperation being a highlight. Many localities in Vietnam and Thailand have become important partners.

Mr. Nguyen Van De delivers a speech at the conference. Photo: Thanh Huyen

During the discussion session "East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC): Promoting Cooperation and Supply Chain Integration", on behalf of the leaders of Nghe An province, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van De delivered a speech on the topic: "Promoting supply chain integration: roles, significance and implementation measures at the local level."

Vice Chairman of the Nghe An People's Committee Nguyen Van De emphasized: In recent times, Nghe An province has actively engaged in international economic integration, with a focus on value chain integration. The total import-export turnover in 2022 reached USD 3.39 billion, with export turnover reaching USD 2.19 billion, an increase of 3.6% compared to 2021, exceeding the yearly plan by 9.44%. This was achieved through the participation of 360 exporting companies to 133 countries and territories (specifically, in the first six months of 2023, the import-export turnover between Nghe An and Thailand reached over USD 30 million, a 15% increase compared to the same period last year).

The main exported products include various types of packaging, aquatic products, compressed wood pellets, processed fruits, and fruit juices. The main imported products include paper products, canned containers, petroleum, and plastic granules.

The leadership, government, departments, and localities of Nghe An province have always accompanied businesses, organizing trade promotion programs, fairs, workshops, supply-demand connections, etc., for the businesses to participate and access global supply chains, consolidate their position, ensure sustainable development, and enhance business efficiency. They also support businesses to collaborate within the framework of the Association of the 9 provinces of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand using Route 8 and Route 12.

A corner of the WHA Industrial Zone in Nghe An. Documentary photo

Vice Chairman Nguyen Van De also proposed that the governments of both countries create favorable conditions for Nghe An province to establish partnerships or sisterhood with provinces in Thailand to promote bilateral trade and investment. He suggested establishing regular information channels to support businesses in Nghe An province and those in Thailand in connecting and seeking partners. Additionally, he requested support to facilitate Thai businesses in receiving and introducing products from Nghe An province, especially agricultural, forestry, and aquatic products, as well as One Commune One Product (OCOP) products, so that they can be integrated into the value chains of Thai enterprises in the Vietnamese and Thai markets.

Nghe An province will continue to actively reform administrative procedures, improve the investment environment, and support Thai investors to invest in Nghe An, especially in the province's industrial parks, including the WHA Industrial Zone developed by Thai investors.

Thanh Huyen (Nghe An’s Department of Foreign Affairs)