‘Supermodel’ birds migrate to Nghe An’s Con Cuong district

Thanh Phuc 09/08/2023 15:40

(Baonghean.vn) - In recent days, a flock of black-winged stilts has migrated to the Bai Gao area (Chau Khe commune, Con Cuong district).

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These birds are also referred to as "supermodel" birds due to their relatively eye-catching appearance.

The flock consists of around 100 birds. They are also referred to as "supermodel" birds due to their relatively eye-catching appearance. They have incredibly long legs, measuring 17-24cm (comprising up to 60% of their total body height). This bird species has a rather impressive appearance, featuring a long black beak, white head and abdomen, black wings, and prominently long reddish-pink legs.

Black-winged stilts inhabit marshes and mudflats in various countries, including China, the UK, Australia, the US, etc. This year, they have migrated to the Chau Khe commune (Con Cuong district). Currently, they have settled and are seeking food along the embankments within the commune. Their diet consists of aquatic invertebrates, often including crustaceans, arthropods, small fish, and insects.

Approximately 100 black-winged stilts have been spotted at the Khe Hieng dam (Bai Gao village).

Thai Dang Tien, a resident from Khe Choang village (Chau Khe commune) said: "This bird species is very beautiful and unique. They have been migrating here for about 3 days. The curious locals often come to the embankments to observe them. Unfortunately, some individuals have set traps and hunted these birds, causing them to become agitated and move around various dams within the commune."

In response to this situation, the local authorities of Chau Khe commune have carried out awareness campaigns, advising residents not to trap or hunt this bird species.

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A black-winged stilt bird is trapped and seriously injured.

Mr. Kha Van Thuong, Chairman of the People's Committee of Chau Khe commune explained: "This is not the first time this bird species has migrated here, but this time their number is the largest. ‘Where there is a good land, the birds will come and settle’. Although this bird species is not on the protected list, we have asked the local police to raise awareness and advise residents not to hunt or trap these birds."

Thanh Phuc