Action Plan to implement Nghe An’s Tourism Development Strategy issued

Cong Khang 03/11/2023 17:43

( - The People's Committee of Nghe An province has recently issued Plan No. 812/KH-UBND on October 30, 2023, regarding the implementation of the Tourism Development Strategy for Nghe An province until 2030, with a vision towards 2035.

Chung Son Temple is located in the Special National Historical Site of Kim Lien (Nam Dan). Photo: Le Manh Thang

The Action Plan for implementing the Tourism Development Strategy for Nghe An until 2030, with a vision towards 2035 aims to concretize the goals, tasks, and solutions of the Tourism Development Strategy for Nghe An until 2030, with a vision towards 2035, which was approved by the People's Committee of the province in Decision No. 1439/QD.UBND on May 23, 2023.

Simultaneously, it aims to create great consensus in awareness and actions of all levels, sectors, localities, and people throughout the province, with a determination to gradually develop tourism into a spearhead economic sector; to implement specific tasks and solutions that are suitable for the development situation of tourism in Nghe An for effective implementation of the Strategy.

The goals of the Strategy is to maximize the potential and advantages of geographical-cultural location, natural resources and rich cultural heritage to make a breakthrough for Nghe An tourism; to gradually develop tourism into a spearhead economic sector, actively contributing to the growth and economic restructuring of the province.

By 2030, Nghe An aims to become one of the tourism centers in the North Central region and an attractive destination in Vietnam with unique tourism products that bear the cultural imprint of Nghe An. Tourism will fundamentally become a spearhead economic sector of the province, providing momentum for the development of other sectors and fields.

By 2035, Nghe An aims to become a destination for tourism in Asia and the world, a shining example, leading in the development of economic heritage and tourism in Vietnam, developing high value-added services to increase the proportion of the service sector in the economic structure.

Tea Islands (Thanh Chuong) are an attractive ecotourism destination. Photo: Le Quang Dung

To achieve these goals, the Provincial People's Committee will develop and implement measures, including focusing on organizing and implementing the Strategy effectively; raising awareness about the development of Nghe An tourism; developing tourism spaces, reviewing and proposing to implement the master plan for building the Kim Lien National Tourism Area; planning and adjusting tourist spots, central tourist areas... within the province.

Moreover, the province will focus on developing tourism products that are in line with the province's potential and advantages, including forming distinctive tourism products with a brand of Nghe An tourism; developing unique and attractive flagship tourism products; diversifying and improving the quality of complementary tourism products to meet the needs of tourists; promoting cooperation in building specialized tourism products...

Other tasks include giving attention to developing the tourism market; mobilizing resources for investing in infrastructure to serve tourists; developing and enhancing the quality of human resources; strengthening promotion, advertising, and cooperation, linking for development; actively applying science and technology to tourism activities and developing, improving policies for tourism development...

Regarding the implementation, the Provincial People's Committee has assigned departments, committees, sectors, and units at the provincial level, as well as localities based on their functions and tasks, to strengthen coordination and effectively implement the Action Plan to implement the Tourism Development Strategy for Nghe An until 2030, with a vision towards 2035.

Cong Khang