Nghe An News

Vietnam-Korea Industrial Technical College collaborates with Radiant Opto Electronics Vietnam for vocational training

Nguyen Hai 28/08/2024 16:06

On the morning of August 28, the Vietnam-Korea Industrial Technical College signed a cooperation agreement to support vocational training with Radiant Opto Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Nghe An).

Đại diện Ban Giám hiệu nhà trường và Công ty TNHH Radiant Opto Electronics Việt Nam (Nghệ An) xem tư liệu về năng lực 2 bên trước khi diễn ra lễ ký biên bản ghi nhớ và hợp tác. Ảnh: Nguyễn Hải
Representatives of the College’s Board of Directors and Radiant Opto Electronics Vietnam (Nghe An) view materials on both sides' capabilities before the signing ceremony and cooperation agreement. Photo: Nguyen Hai

Radiant Opto Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. is a foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprise specializing in the production of electronic components from Taiwan (China). The company has an investment project worth $120 million, which was approved by Nghe An province, and has been installing factories in the VSIP Nghe An Industrial Park since November 2023.

This project is one of the top 10 key FDI investment projects in the province, with plans to produce 35 million products per year in phase 1, increase by an additional 10 million products per year in phase 2, and employ 3,668 workers by 2029.

At the signing ceremony, representatives of the Vietnam-Korea Industrial Technical College introduced their strengths in various majors, vocational training outcomes, and employment opportunities for graduates each year.

Meanwhile, Radiant Opto Electronics Vietnam also provided an overview of its investment process in Vietnam, its workforce needs following its investment in Nghe An, and its plans to cooperate with Nghe An province and the college for workforce training.

Practical learning session for students of the Vietnam-Korea Industrial Technical College. Photo: Nguyen Hai

According to the signed cooperation agreement, the Vietnam-Korea Industrial Technical College will provide the partner with information on the status of labor training at the college. Upon completion of internships or training, the hiring company will enter into specific contracts detailing the rights and obligations of the employees.

Following the signing, the company will support the college in accepting student interns, suggest adjustments to some of the college's training programs to match the company's job requirements, and assist with extracurricular activities and exchanges when students intern or work at the company.

Công bố thỏa thuận hợp tác lần đầu tiên giữa Trường Cao đẳng Kỹ thuật Công nghiệp Việt Nam -Hàn Quốc với Công ty TNHH Radiant Opto Electronics Việt Nam (Nghệ An) về hỗ trợ đào tạo lao động. Ảnh: Nguyễn Hải
Announcement of the first cooperation agreement between Vietnam-Korea Industrial Technical College and Radiant Opto Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Nghe An) to support labor training. Photo: Nguyen Hai

Dr. Ho Van Dam, Principal of the Vietnam-Korea Industrial Technical College, stated: "Every year, it is assigned to train 1,000-1,100 students at the college and vocational secondary level. To improve the quality of training and job placement for students, the college has annually signed many training cooperation agreements with businesses and industrial zones outside the province. However, this is the first time it has signed a training cooperation agreement right from the start with an FDI enterprise in Nghe An”.

Nguyen Hai