Nghe An News

Nghe An announces information on the USD 2-billion LNG Power Plant Project in Quynh Lap

Thu Huyen 06/09/2024 17:53

On the morning of September 6, the Department of Industry and Trade held a meeting with investors to announce and provide information related to the Quynh Lap LNG Power Plant Project.

Toàn cảnh cuộc làm việc. Ảnh: Thu Huyền
Overview of the meeting. Photo: Thu Huyen

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Pham Van Hoa, Director of the Department of Industry and Trade. Attendees included leaders and specialized departments from various agencies, including the Departments of Planning and Investment, Transportation, Natural Resources and Environment, the Management Board of the Southeast Economic Zone, the People's Committee of Hoang Mai Town, the Office of the Provincial People's Committee, and investors interested in the project.

The Quynh Lap LNG Gas Power Plant Project, located in Hoang Mai Town, Nghe An Province, with a capacity of 1,500MW, is one of the key priority power projects listed in the Decision No. 500/QD-TTg dated May 15, 2023, of the Prime Minister on approving the National Power Development Plan for the period 2021–2030, with a vision to 2050 (Power Plan VIII) and Decision No. 262/QD-TTg dated April 1, 2024, of the Prime Minister on approving the Implementation Plan for Power Plan VIII. The project is expected to commence commercial operations before 2030.

Đồng chí Phạm Văn Hóa - Giám đốc Sở Công Thương phát biểu tại cuộc làm việc. Ảnh: Thu Huyền
Mr. Pham Van Hoa, Director of the Department of Industry and Trade, speaks at the meeting. Photo: Thu Huyen

The project is implemented in Dong Minh and Dong Thanh villages, Quynh Lap commune, Hoang Mai town, with a total investment of approximately USD 2.15 billion. The project’s construction includes components such as the LNG gas power plant, gas storage, a receiving port, a breakwater, and auxiliary facilities.

The total area of the project is about 210-360 hectares, with an LNG fuel demand of approximately 1.15 million tons per year and a receiving port for vessels with a capacity of about 100,000 DWT.
Location of the Quynh Lap LNG Power Plant Project.

At the meeting, representatives from the Department of Industry and Trade and the Management Board of the Southeast Economic Zone provided an overview and general information on the Quynh Lap LNG Project, including details about the project site and the Dong Hoi Port plan.

Đại diện nhà đầu tư trao đổi về các vấn đề đền bù giải phóng mặt bằng dự án tại cuộc làm việc. Ảnh: Thu Huyền
Investors discuss issues related to land clearance compensation for the project at the meeting. Photo: Thu Huyen

After hearing the investors’ opinions on issues such as land clearance, planning, investment procedures, and investor selection, the departments of Planning and Investment, Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment, Transportation, and the Management Board of the Southeast Economic Zone, addressed the investors' concerns and discussed matters related to their areas of management.

Đồng chí Lê Tiến Trị - Trưởng ban Quản lý KKT Đông Nam phát biểu. Ảnh: Thu Huyền
Mr. Le Tien Tri, Head of the Southeast Economic Zone Management Board, speaks at the meeting. Photo: Thu Huyen

Mr. Pham Van Hoa stated that the purpose of the meeting was to facilitate access for interested investors to information about the project as well as planning information related to the project. Additionally, it provided guidance for investors on how to follow the correct legal investment procedures. The meeting also covered details about the time and place for receiving project proposal documents from investors.

This is an important priority power project listed under the implementation of Power Plan VIII. The period for submitting project proposal documents begins on September 20, 2024. Interested investors are encouraged to coordinate with relevant departments and agencies to understand and complete the necessary procedures. Relevant departments, agencies, and localities will provide all administrative support to interested investors.


1. Components of the documents: Investors are to prepare the project proposal documents in accordance with Clause 1, Article 33 of the Investment Law 2020; Clause 6, Article 2, and Article 31 of Decree 31/2021/ND-CP dated March 26, 2021, of the Government.

2. Number of proposal documents: 4 sets of documents (Point a, Clause 7, Article 33).

3. Location for submission and receipt of proposal documents: Investors can submit directly or send via post to the Public Administration Service Center of Nghe An Province, address: No. 16 Truong Thi Street, Truong Thi Ward, Vinh City, Nghe An Province.

4. Start date for receiving documents: September 20, 2024.

5. End date for receiving documents: October 5, 2024 (15 days from the start of receiving documents).

Thu Huyen