Nghe An News

Nghe An launches of the Lifelong Learning Week

My Ha 30/09/2024 11:16

On the morning of September 29, at Thanh Chuong 3 High School, the Department of Education and Training organized the launching ceremony of the "Lifelong Learning Week" 2024.

The program was simultaneously conducted online and connected with all schools, teachers, and students across the province.

The delegates visit the book display booths of the schools. Photo: My Ha

The 2024 Lifelong Learning Week launch was conducted under the theme: "Developing Reading Culture to Promote Lifelong Learning".

Through this, the message conveyed is: Every individual, every collective, regardless of their work position, must strive to cultivate reading skills, form reading habits, and further turn reading into a passion, a fundamental need in life.

In Nghe An, in recent years, the reading culture has seen positive changes with a public library system expanding from the provincial to district level, including 1 provincial library, 19 district libraries, and about 460 libraries and bookcases at cultural post offices in communes.

Provincial and district libraries is increasingly diversifying in terms of the number and types of books, and they are gradually transforming by applying digital transformation platforms. Besides that, bookstores are gradually being upgraded into major companies, chains of book supermarkets, and specialty bookstores are emerging, reflecting society's acceptance of the reading culture.

Additionally, with the rapid development of science and technology, the ability to utilize and apply digital transformation to the reading culture has opened up easier access to vast knowledge resources in more convenient ways. Audiobooks, podcasts, etc., are becoming increasingly popular.

This creates a favorable environment for everyone to access high-quality resources and enhance awareness of reading culture by honoring book writers, readers, and knowledge transmitters as key elements in the development of a reading culture in every country.

At the launch ceremony, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training, Nguyen Van Khoa, once again emphasized the important role of reading. Therefore, building a reading culture must start with cultivating each individual's love for reading, reading habits, and reading skills.

It helps individuals to be proactive in seeking knowledge, broadening their horizons, and nurturing their souls. Regular reading fosters self-study, self-discipline, and self-discovery, enabling individuals to constantly improve and rise.

Previously, removing the importance and significant benefits that digital transformation brings to the community and the people, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 329/QD-TTg on June 3, 2020, approving the project "Developing Reading Culture in the Community with Orientation to 2020, Vision to 2030".

This outlines several specific goals and solutions aimed at improving effectively the reading environment, building and developing reading habits, needs, skills, and movements among all levels of the population.

Therefore, to effectively implement the objectives of Decision 329 by the Prime Minister, the leadership of the Department of Education and Training believes this is the responsibility of the entire society. Government agencies, sectors, and local authorities need to join hands to create conditions for every citizen to access knowledge easily and effectively.

For schools, it is necessary to promote information and communication for teachers, students, staff, and the general public about the role of libraries and reading culture in the educational and personal development process; direct the implementation of the "Lifelong Learning Week" with appropriate, flexible, creative, and effective content and forms.

In addition, efforts should be made to build reading habits, equip individuals with reading skills and methods, establish policies to encourage students and the public to read books, innovate management and organization of library activities, and develop open libraries. Simultaneously, it is essential to strengthen socialization efforts and enhance the infrastructure and capacity of library staff across the province, especially in school libraries.

My Ha