Nghe An News

Thanh Chuong town receives Government's outstanding emulation flag and recognized as a civilized urban area

Mai Hoa 29/07/2024 21:30

On the evening of July 28, the Party Committee, Authority, and People of Thanh Chuong town (Thanh Chuong district) held a ceremony to commemorate the 40th anniversary of its establishment, receive the Government's Outstanding Emulation Flag, and announce the decision recognizing it as a civilized urban area.

Chương trình văn nghệ chào mừng tại Lễ kỷ niệm 40 năm thành lập thị trấn và đón Cờ Thi đua xuất sắc của Chính phủ. Ảnh: Mai Hoa
Performances celebrate the 40th anniversary of the town's establishment and the receipt of the Government's Outstanding Emulation Flag. Photo: Mai Hoa

Attending the ceremony and presenting the Government's Outstanding Emulation Flag were Mr. Nguyen Nam Dinh - Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; leaders of various provincial departments and Thanh Chuong district; along with officials and residents of Thanh Chuong town.

The land of Thanh Chuong town has existed for tens of thousands of years, evidenced by archaeologists uncovering artifacts from ancient Vietnamese belonging to the Son Vi culture.

Thanh Chuong town was established in accordance to Decision No. 141/QD-HDBT dated October 27, 1984, by the Council of Ministers (now the Government), based on the separation of parts of three communes: Dong Van, Thanh Dong, and Thanh Ngoc.

Initially, the town covered a small area of ​​over 280 hectares with a population of more than 5,000 people. After 27 years of establishment, Thanh Chuong town was further adjusted and expanded to a total area of ​​6.54 square kilometers by merging additional parts of Thanh Ngoc and Dong Van communes, according to Government Resolution No. 96/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2011.

Đồng chí Nguyễn Nam Đình - Ủy viên Ban Thường vụ Tỉnh ủy, Phó Chủ tịch Thường trực HĐND tỉnh trao Cờ Thi đua xuất sắc của Chính phủ cho Nhân dân và cán bộ thị trấn Thanh Chương. Ảnh: Mai Hoa
Nguyen Nam Dinh, Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee and Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, presents the Government's Outstanding Emulation Flag to the People and officials of Thanh Chuong town. Photo: Mai Hoa

Looking back at the early days 40 years ago, the development today reflects the significant efforts of the Party Committee, Government, and People of Thanh Chuong town.

The economy has diversified, with industry, handicrafts, construction, services, and commerce now accounting for 96% of the economy, and agriculture only 4%.

There are nearly 1,000 business households and 70 small and medium enterprises operating in the area, with an average per capita income of 95 million VND in 2023.

Infrastructure has been consistently invested in, from urban transportation to schools, medical stations, cultural houses, and cultural-sports facilities for residential areas.

Lãnh đạo Huyện ủy, HĐND, UBND, Ủy ban MTTQ huyện Thanh Chương tặng Đảng bộ, Chính quyền và Nhân dân thị trấn Thanh Chương bức trướng “40 năm xây dựng và phát triển”. Ảnh: Mai Hoa
Leaders of the District Party Committee, People's Council, People's Committee, and Fatherland Front Committee of Thanh Chuong district presented the Party Committee, Authority, and People of Thanh Chuong town with the banner "40 years of construction and development". Photo: Mai Hoa

The cultural, social, security, and defense sectors have received attention from the Party Committee, Authority, and each resident, contributing to improved cultural and spiritual life and ensuring a safe environment for the town's people.

The Party Committee, Authority, and People of the town have united and worked together to achieve the nine criteria of a civilized urban area.

In 2024, Thanh Chuong town was recognized as a civilized urban area by the Thanh Chuong district People's Committee and was awarded the Government's Outstanding Emulation Flag in 2023.

Speaking at the 40th-anniversary celebration, Mr. Trinh Van Nha - Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the Thanh Chuong district People's Committee, acknowledged and praised the achievements of the town's Party Committee and People.

The Chairman of Thanh Chuong district People's Committee also affirmed: The upcoming approval of the administrative unit reorganization plan by the National Assembly will open new development spaces and opportunities for the town when merging Thanh Linh and Thanh Dong communes.

However, many challenges will arise. Therefore, the town must focus on long-term, feasible planning, attracting investment projects, urban areas, promoting commerce, clean agriculture, high-tech industries, and production.

The aim is to ensure economic growth alongside cultural-social development, maintaining national defense and security, strengthening the Party and political system, and meeting the new era's mission requirements to advance the town's future development.

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Thanh Chuong town receives Government's outstanding emulation flag and recognized as a civilized urban area