Nghe An News

Cua Lo Town celebrates 30th anniversary

Thanh Chung 28/08/2024 15:53

On the morning of August 28, Cua Lo Town held a ceremony to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its founding (August 29, 1994 - August 29, 2024).

Các đại biểu tham dự buổi lễ. Ảnh: Thành Chung
Delegates attending the ceremony. Photo: Thanh Chung

On August 29, 1994, the Government issued Decree No. 113-CP establishing Cua Lo Town under Nghe An Province. Over the past 30 years of construction, development, and growth, the Party Committee, authority, and people of Cua Lo Town have consistently promoted solidarity, tirelessly engaged in labor, production, innovation, and creativity, building a civilized and modern tourist town that has become one of the three high-growth centers in Nghe An Province.

Chương trình nghệ thuật chào mừng lễ kỷ niệm. Ảnh: Thành Chung
Artistic program celebrating the anniversary. Photo: Thanh Chung

During its process of building and development, Cua Lo has achieved many positive results. The political system has been consolidated and strengthened, and the great unity bloc of the entire people has been expanded. The urban landscape has become increasingly spacious, clean, and civilized, with many recreational areas of national and international stature.

Over the past 30 years, the total production value of the town has increased by 46 times, and per capita income has risen by 82 times. Cua Lo is one of the two localities in the province that can balance its budget revenue and expenditure on its own. The local economy has positively shifted towards tourism services as the key economic sector. In 2024, the total number of tourists is estimated to reach 5 million, with revenue estimated at 5 trillion VND.

Đồng chí Lê Thanh Long – Phó Bí thư Thường trực Thị uỷ, Chủ tịch Hội đồng nhân dân thị xã Cửa Lò đọc diễn văn kỷ niệm 30 năm Ngày thành lập thị xã Cửa Lò. Ảnh: Thành Chung
Mr. Le Thanh Long - Standing Deputy Secretary of the Town Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council of Cua Lo Town, delivers a speech commemorating the 30th anniversary of the town's establishment. Photo: Thanh Chung

Cultural and social fields have developed; social welfare is ensured, the material and spiritual lives of the people have been continuously improved; national defense and security have been maintained.

With many achievements, the Party Committee and people of Cua Lo Town have been honored by the State President with the First-Class Labor Order and many other prestigious awards.

Cửa Lò là thị xã ven biển của tỉnh Nghệ An, có diện tích 27,81km2, (bao gồm cả đảo Ngư, đảo Mắt), cách trung tâm thành phố Vinh 16km về phía đông bắc. Cửa Lò đang phát triển ngày càng khang trang hiện đại. Ảnh: Văn Trường
Cua Lo Beach today. Photo: Van Truong

Speaking at the celebration, on behalf of the provincial leadership, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Bui Dinh Long praised the efforts of the Party Committee and people of Cua Lo Town over the past 30 years.

The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee also outlined the policy and plan for rearranging district- and commune-level administrative units for the 2023-2025 period. Accordingly, Cua Lo Town will be merged into Vinh City. This merger will create new advantages for development.

Đồng chí Bùi Đình Long - Phó Chủ tịch Uỷ ban nhân dân tỉnh biểu dương những nỗ lực của Đảng bộ và nhân dân thị xã Cửa Lò trong suốt 30 năm qua. Ảnh: Thành Chung
Mr. Bui Dinh Long - Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee praises the efforts of the Party Committee and people of Cua Lo Town over the past 30 years. Photo: Thanh Chung

Mr. Bui Dinh Long requested the Party Committee, authority, and people of Cua Lo Town to continue to focus on leadership and direction to successfully achieve the goals and targets set by the Party Congress at all levels.

He also emphasized the importance of comprehensive, continuous, and diverse communication about the significance and positive impact of merging Cua Lo Town into Vinh City. This includes coordinating to develop plans for arranging and resolving policies for officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers affected by the rearrangement; reviewing, finalizing, and systematizing personnel and public service files.

Đồng chí Phạm Thị Hồng Toan - Bí thư Thị uỷ Cửa Lò phát biểu tiếp thu ý kiến chỉ đạo của lãnh đạo tỉnh. Ảnh: Thành Chung
Ms. Pham Thi Hong Toan - Secretary of the Cua Lo Town Party Committee, delivers a speech acknowledging the instructions from provincial leaders. Photo: Thanh Chung

There will be a review, listing, and evaluation of the current status and usage of public offices and assets at administrative units; adjusting and updating land use plans and plans. At the same time, guidance, communication, and support will be provided to businesses and residents to prepare for the transition of documents after the merger.

Uỷ ban nhân dân thị xã Cửa Lò khen thưởng 10 tập thể, 20 cá nhân đã có thành tích xuất sắc trong công tác, thực hiện các phong trào thi đua. Ảnh: Thành Chung
The People's Committee of Cua Lo Town rewards 10 collectives and 20 individuals who have achieved outstanding results in their work and various emulation movements. Photo: Thanh Chung

At the anniversary celebration, the People's Committee of Cua Lo Town presented certificates of merit and rewards to 10 collectives and 20 individuals who achieved outstanding achievements in the emulation to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the town's founding.

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Cua Lo Town celebrates 30th anniversary