Chairman of the Central Committee's Inspection Commission offers incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh

Thanh Duy 20/01/2023 22:02

( - Mr. Tran Cam Tu and members of the delegation as well as delegates of Nghe An province vowed to forever study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality and lifestyle.

The delegation visits Kim Lien Special National Relic Site to pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh. Photo: Thanh Duy

On January 19, the delegation of the Central Committee's Inspection Commission led by Mr. Tran Cam Tu - Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Central Committee's Inspection Commission visited Kim Lien Special National Relic Site and offered flowers, incense in memory of President Ho Chi Minh.

Chairman of the Central Committee's Inspection Commission Tran Cam Tu and other delegates respectfully offered flowers and incense, spent a moment of silence in remembrance, expressed infinite gratitude and deep respect for President Ho Chi Minh - the great leader of our Party and People, national liberation hero, outstanding cultural icon.

President Ho Chi Minh has passed away, but his great career and beautiful example always live forever with the country of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and lifestyle have always been the ideological foundation and guideline for all actions, guiding the way for the Vietnamese revolution to go from one victory to another.

Implementing his teachings, over the years, the Central Committee's Inspection Commission has done a good job of checking, supervising and enforcing discipline in the Party, achieving many important results, contributing to transforming and improving the quality of Party building work; make the social environment more healthy for socio-economic development; struggle and prevent deterioration in ideology, politics, morality, lifestyle, expression of "self-evolution", "self-transformation" internally; preventing and combating corruption, negative phenomena, waste, group interests; gradually strengthen the confidence of cadres, Party members and people in the Party and State; the role, prestige and position of the inspection sector and inspection officers in the Party and society are increasingly enhanced, making an important contribution to the cause of renovation, building and firmly protecting Vietnam.

Mr. Tran Cam Tu and members of the delegation as well as delegates of Nghe An province vowed to forever study and follow President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality and lifestyle.

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Chairman of the Central Committee's Inspection Commission offers incense to commemorate President Ho Chi Minh