FDI attraction is a highlight of Nghe An’s achievements in the 1st half of this year

Pham Bang 27/06/2023 18:15

(Baonghean.vn) - During difficult time across the country, foreign direct investment (FDI) attraction is considered a highlight of Nghe An province, with 8 projects and a registered capital of USD 613.8 million.

The total amount of newly granted and adjusted capital exceeds USD 725 million, ranking 8th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide.

Overview of the regular meeting of the Provincial People's Committee in June 2023. Photo: Pham Bang

On the morning of June 26, Mr. Nguyen Duc Trung - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee presided over the regular meeting of the Provincial People's Committee in June 2023.

According to the reports at the meeting, in the first six months of 2023, along with the whole country, Nghe An province has been implementing economic and social development tasks under challenging conditions due to the complex and unpredictable global situation. However, the province's economic and social situation has continued to maintain its growth momentum, achieving significant and positive results in several sectors and areas.

According to the General Statistics Office, the province's GRDP growth rate in the first six months of the year is estimated to reach 5.79%, higher than the national average of 4.59%. Specifically, the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries sector increased by 4.26%; the industrial and construction sector increased by 4.31%; the service sector increased by 7.91%; and product taxes less subsidies increased by 4.24%.

The grain crop production is estimated to reach 800,918.39 tons, achieving 66.74% of the plan and increasing by 3% compared to the same period last year. The industrial production index is expected to increase by 1.79%. The total export turnover of goods is estimated to reach USD 1,086.8 million, while the import turnover of goods is estimated at USD 669.3 million. The estimated number of tourists is 4.9 million, showing a 22% increase compared to the same period last year.

The state budget revenue is estimated to reach VND 8,489 billion, achieving 53.5% of the provincial People's Council's plan and equal to 80.6% compared to the same period last year. The local budget expenditures are estimated to reach VND 16,862 billion, achieving 50.8% of the provincial People's Council's plan.

The attraction of investment continues to yield positive results. As of June 22, there were 65 newly granted projects and 81 adjusted ones, with a total newly granted and additional capital of over VND 22,186 billion, of which the total newly granted capital is VND 19,714 billion. Compared to the same period in 2022, the number of newly granted projects increased by 20.37%, and the total newly granted capital increased by 1.32 times.

In particular, FDI attraction continues to be a highlight. The province has attracted 8 FDI projects with a registered capital of USD 613.8 million. The total amount of newly granted and adjusted capital is USD 725.4 million, ranking 8th out of 63 provinces and cities nationwide.

The disbursement of public investment funds and the implementation of 3 National Target Programs have been actively directed and vigorously carried out since the beginning of the year. As of June 20, over VND 2,682 billion has been disbursed, reaching 29.7% of the plan for public investment in 2023.

The provincial planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision towards 2050, is currently under review by the Ministry of Planning and Investment and then will be submitted to the Prime Minister for approval. Along with that, the completion of the 10-year review of Resolution No. 26 has been accomplished, in which the Politburo has issued a new resolution on the construction and development of Nghe An province until 2030, with a vision towards 2045.

The VSIP Nghe An Industrial Park. Documentary photo

The cultural and social sectors have received significant attention and guidance, yielding positive results. The province has successfully completed the 2022-2023 academic program, and in the 2022-2023 academic year, 87 students achieved national excellence awards, ranking second nationwide. Employment has been provided for 26,950 people. The province has also successfully organized major events and celebrated significant holidays.

Administrative reform continues to be actively directed and implemented with determination. International cooperation and integration activities have been effectively and energetically carried out, achieving positive results. National defense and security have been ensured. Social order and safety have been maintained.

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FDI attraction is a highlight of Nghe An’s achievements in the 1st half of this year