Nghe An News

Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An Province, Thai Thanh Quy, begins his official visit and work in the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Quang Dang (from Rotterdam, Netherlands) 15/06/2024 22:30

On the afternoon of June 10 (local time), a working delegation from Nghe An province led by Mr. Thai Thanh Quy - Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, and Head of the Provincial Delegation to National Assembly, visited and worked at the Embassy of Vietnam in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This marks the start of their visit to the Netherlands and several other European countries from June 8 to June 18, 2024.

Đồng chí Ngô Hướng Nam - Đại sứ đặc mệnh toàn quyền Việt Nam tại Vương Quốc Hà Lan phát biểu chào mừng Đoàn công tác tỉnh Nghệ An đến thăm và làm việc. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ngo Huong Nam, delivers a welcoming speech to the Nghe An Provincial Delegation during their visit and work session. Photo: Quang Dang

Accompanying Secretary Thai Thanh Quy in the provincial delegation were comrades: Le Duc Cuong - Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Organization Commission; Major General Bui Quang Thanh - Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Director of the Provincial Police; Nguyen Nhu Khoi - Member of the Provincial Party Committee's Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Bui Dinh Long - Member of the Provincial Party Committee's Executive Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee; Directors of departments including Planning and Investment, Finance, Transport, Agriculture and Rural Development, and Foreign Affairs.

The delegation was welcomed and held discussions with officials from Nghe An province including Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Vietnam to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ngo Huong Nam; Le Tuan Anh - Counselor of the Embassy; and staff of the Vietnamese Embassy in the Netherlands.

Đồng chí Thái Thanh Quý - Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng, Bí thư Tỉnh ủy, Chủ tịch HĐND tỉnh, Trưởng đoàn ĐBQH tỉnh phát biểu tại chuyến thăm, làm việc tại Đại sứ quán Việt Nam tại Vương quốc Hà Lan. Ảnh: Quang Đặng.
Mr. Thai Thanh Quy, Member of the Central Party Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, and Head of the Provincial Delegation to the National Assembly, delivers a speech during the visit and working session at the Vietnamese Embassy in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Photo: Quang Dang

Welcoming the delegation from Nghe An province, the homeland of President Ho Chi Minh, to visit and work in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ambassador Ngo Huong Nam emphasized the increasingly strong and effective development of Vietnam-Netherlands diplomatic relations, established over 50 years ago (1973 - 2024).

Additionally, the Ambassador provided information on the situation of the Vietnamese community in the Netherlands and introduced some strengths in the country's economic and technological development, especially in the fields of seaports and renewable energy...

Đồng chí Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Thái Thanh Quý tặng quà lưu niệm Đại sứ quán Việt Nam tại Hà Lan. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Thai Thanh Quy presents a souvenir to the Vietnamese Embassy in the Netherlands. Photo: Quang Dang

Mr. Thai Thanh Quy expressed sincere thanks to Ambassador Ngo Huong Nam and the Embassy of Vietnam in the Netherlands for their warm reception and assistance in coordinating the work program of the Nghe An provincial delegation in the Netherlands.

He noted that this European tour is one of the province's important foreign activities planned for 2024, approved by the Prime Minister, aimed at enhancing cooperation between Nghe An province and European partners, including those from the Netherlands, and promoting economic diplomacy to attract investment into Nghe An province.

Located in Northwestern Europe, the Netherlands, with an area of ​​nearly 42,000 km2 and a population of approximately 18 million people, is renowned globally for its engineering and hydraulic works, with about a quarter of its total land area lying below sea level, and nearly 17% of the country's land area reclaimed from the sea and lakes.

This Western European country boasts a highly developed and diverse economy, vibrant seaport activities, and numerous globally scaled multinational companies. It ranks high in quality of life and happiness indexes worldwide.

Các đại biểu đoàn công tác của tỉnh Nghệ An và lãnh đạo, cán bộ Đại sứ quán Việt Nam tại Hà Lan chụp ảnh lưu niệm. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Delegates of the Nghe An Provincial Delegation and the leaders and staff of the Vietnamese Embassy in the Netherlands took a commemorative photo. Photo: Quang Dang

In recent times, cooperation between Nghe An province and the Netherlands has yielded positive results. Currently, there is one project in the province involving Dutch investors with a registered investment capital of USD 18.3 million (MNS FEED Nghe An animal feed production plant).

In 2023, Nghe An's exports to the Dutch market reached USD 7.8 million; in Q1/2024, it reached USD 1.2 million, with main items including textiles, components, auto parts, handicrafts...

Conversely, in the past year, Nghe An imported USD 1.6 million worth of goods from the Netherlands, mainly livestock feed and raw materials, production inputs, chemicals...

Robot tự động nâng hàng tại cảng Rotterdam, Hà Lan. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Automated cargo-lifting robot at the Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands. Photo: Quang Dang

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Thai Thanh Quy provided an overview of Nghe An province's socio-economic situation to the Embassy leadership and affirmed that the province has prepared conditions to best meet the needs of investors for exploration, business, and investment.

The Provincial Development Plan for 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, is approved by the Prime Minister. Essential infrastructure is increasingly synchronized. The Southeast Economic Zone has clean land and modern, synchronized infrastructure.

Nghe An also has abundant skilled labor force, continually trained to improve skills. The province is focused on administrative reform, particularly in accompanying and supporting investors with procedures.

Các đại biểu đoàn công tác của tỉnh chụp ảnh lưu niệm tại cảng Rotterdam, Hà Lan. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Delegates of the provincial working delegation took a commemorative photo at the Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands. Photo: Quang Dang

Secretary Thai Thanh Quy expressed the desire for the Embassy of Vietnam in the Netherlands to be attentive and supportive in connecting and assisting Nghe An province in developing cooperative relations with Dutch partners, especially in identifying and introducing suitable localities with similar characteristics for exchanges and implementing friendly economic cooperation activities.

Simultaneously, the province aims to connect with investors and large enterprises from the Netherlands specializing in fields that Nghe An province is focusing on attracting investment, which have great potential and advantages such as high-tech agriculture, supporting industries, mechanical manufacturing, agricultural processing, tourism, education and training, seaports, logistics...

The head of the Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An also hopes that the Embassy of Vietnam in the Netherlands will pay attention and support in connecting with the Dutch government to secure official development assistance (ODA) for agriculture and rural development in Nghe An, including infrastructure development essential for the poor (rural transport, water supply, schools, health stations...), irrigation works combined with disaster prevention and mitigation, and job creation linked with poverty reduction...

Appreciating and congratulating Nghe An province on its development achievements, Ambassador Ngo Huong Nam suggested several feasible approaches suitable for Nghe An province. He expressed readiness to assist the province in connecting with partners and investors in areas where it has strengths.

Các đại biểu đoàn công tác của tỉnh chụp ảnh lưu niệm tại hệ thống đập Maeslantkering, Hà Lan. Ảnh: Quang Đặng
Delegates of the provincial working delegation took a commemorative photo at the Maeslantkering dam system in the Netherlands. Photo: Quang Dang

Earlier on June 10, the provincial working delegation had conducted a survey at the Port of Rotterdam - Europe's largest integrated port. Rotterdam Port spans approximately 40 km and is considered the hub of the European supply chain; cargo throughput at the port in 2023 exceeded 400 million tons, contributing approximately 3% of the Netherlands' GDP.

The provincial delegation also surveyed the Maeslantkering flood barrier system in the Netherlands - a marvel of hydraulic engineering and one of the world's largest hydraulic engineering works.

The system was built to protect Rotterdam and its surrounding areas from flood risks due to storms and high tides. The barrier system consists of two large glass doors, each 22 meters high and 240 meters wide, mounted on large steel columns. When flood risks occur, the doors are closed to prevent seawater from entering.

On June 11, 2024 (local time), the Nghe An provincial working delegation continued its work with several partners in the Netherlands.

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Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An Province, Thai Thanh Quy, begins his official visit and work in the Kingdom of the Netherlands