Vinh City to upgrade 4 communes to wards

Mai Hoa 27/05/2024 17:16

( - The establishment of 4 new wards will be based on the current natural area and population of the communes Hung Dong, Hung Loc, Nghi Phu, and Nghi Duc. This initiative aligns with the development direction and planning of Nghe An province and Vinh City.

bna_ Xã Nghi Đức quan tâm xây dựng cảnh quan nông thôn mới khang trang, sạch, đẹp. Ảnh- Mai Hoa (1).jpg
The pace of urbanization is quite rapid in Nghi Duc commune (Vinh city). Photo: Mai Hoa

Currently, Vinh City has 25 administrative units at the commune level, including 16 wards (Ben Thuy, Cua Nam, Dong Vinh, Doi Cung, Ha Huy Tap, Hong Son, Hung Binh, Hung Dung, Hung Phuc, Le Loi, Le Mao, Quan Bau, Quang Trung, Truong Thi, Trung Do, Vinh Tan) and 9 communes (Nghi Phu, Hung Loc, Nghi Kim, Hung Dong, Hung Hoa, Nghi Lien, Nghi An, Nghi Duc, Hung Chinh).

Among the 9 communes, Hung Dong, Hung Loc, Nghi Duc, and Nghi Phu have seen rapid socio-economic development in recent times. There has been a significant shift in the economic structure towards industrial, construction, trade, and service sectors, accompanied by rapid urbanization. The living standards of the people have improved both materially and spiritually. These are crucial conditions for upgrading these communes to wards, meeting the needs of expanding the urban development space of the city and ensuring effective and unified administrative management.

The proposal to expand Vinh City's administrative boundaries and urban space has been approved by the Provincial Standing Committee. This includes merging the entire natural area and population of Cua Lo Town, which consists of 7 wards, and merging 4 communes from Nghi Loc District (Nghi Xuan, Nghi Thai, Nghi Phong, Phuc Tho) into Vinh City; and establishing 4 new wards in Vinh City.

Establishment of 4wards in Vinh City

- Hung Dong Ward: Based on the current natural area of 6.42 km² and a population of nearly 18,000 of Hung Dong Commune.

- Hung Loc Ward: Based on the current natural area of 6.72 km² and a population of over 26,000 of Hung Loc Commune.

- Nghi Phu Ward: Based on the current natural area of 6.47 km² and a population of over 25,000 of Nghi Phu Commune.

- Nghi Duc Ward: Based on the current natural area of 5.69 km² and a population of nearly 10,000 of Nghi Duc Commune.

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Transport infrastructure is invested and developed strongly in Nghi Phu commune. Photo: Mai Hoa

The proposal to establish these new wards has been implemented according to the process, and the four communes have completed gathering citizen opinions on the plan. The People's Councils of the four communes have also convened meetings to approve the proposal.

The results of the resident opinions are as follows: Hung Dong (97.97% approval), Hung Loc (92.88% approval), Nghi Phu (93.47% approval), and Nghi Duc (99.09% approval).

Following the polls, the communes held People's Council meetings to vote on the resolution supporting the establishment of the wards, with approval rates ranging from 96.15% to 100%. Specifically, Hung Dong, Nghi Phu, and Nghi Duc had 100% approval from their People's Council representatives, while Hung Loc had 96.15%.

According to the process, the proposal to establish the four wards are reviewed and voted on by the Vinh City People's Council before being submitted to the Provincial People's Committee and Provincial People's Council for approval, and then presented to the National Assembly for final approval.

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Vinh City to upgrade 4 communes to wards